So today I turned 18 weeks also known as 5 months! We are trucking along well into the 2nd trimester only 9 more weeks until the 3rd trimester! We got the call from our ultrasound clinic letting us know that my doctor did not file the correct insurance paperwork to submit a referral so they pushed my ultrasound appointment back to Tuesday morning at 9:30 am. Thankfully our awesome neighbors Erin and Mike are going to watch Carson for us! The ultrasound doctors told us that the appointment will roughly be about 3 hours long! They want to check every tiny little inch of this little baby. Which baby is not so little anymore, I have been getting good hard kicks all week! It is so exciting, Mark has gotten to feel it and so has Carson. Carson asked if the baby was playing soccer like him. :)
I also called today and asked about my blood test results from my first trimester screening and the multiple marker test I had done at my last appointment, so far all tests have come back normal! The baby is all clear of any genetic abnormalities, now we just need it confirmed on Tuesday morning with the ultrasound and make sure baby has no physical abnormalities. I myself was born with two pinhole VSD's (which are 2 tiny holes in my heart) so it is likely the baby could carry that trait, I also still have a heart murmur. The holes closed up around the time I turned 17 so those are no longer a problem.
Finally we may have come up with a new name if little poof is a boy. We keep changing it around because for some reason the name Abel just doesn't feel like our child's name. Once we settle on a definite name we will talk about it. Right now we would just like to make sure baby is completely healthy and if s/he is a boy or girl!
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