Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pretty in Pink

So I got a wild hair and decided that I needed to change my hair up a bit. I wanted something that would pull me out of my funk I have been in and make me feel attractive again! I have been slightly down and feeling very beached whale. Soooo voila!

I know I haven't been updating like I said I would, but like I stated above I have been in a major funk the past week. Sooo here are some pictures to make up for it. I will post my doctor update and a post about everything else that happened this past week. Good news is we are now in week 29!

The boys have picked up a new hobby: BeyBlades!

Belly picture!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Picture update

My awesome deals from this week... I got two box gift sets of bottles for $5.51 a piece.
I found a new boppy cover on the clearance rack at the exchange for $3.49
and I got the pair of shoes for $1.99!

Washed and dryed and put onto my boppy! I love that is is slightly girly
but not over the top :)


27 weeks
26 weeks
The picture on the right is from last Sunday when I had a mom's day out with Erin and April.

Then last night before movie night with my fellow military spouses I snapped a picture because I though I looked huge!

                                                             Here are some of me and the boys

Finally some outfits I have bought for Genna recently and then the Big brother and Little sister outfits I bought while I was at Target on Sunday with Erin and April

I have been buying outfits pretty much every other day but these are just the ones I snapped a picture of... I should really stop buying clothes but it is just soo much fun!

Also my friend April gave us this awesome highchair / booster seat! It attaches to a dining room chair and is a great space saver.

Good bye 26 weeks

Hello 3rd trimester! I know I am a couple days late but oh well.

What I miss so far: This week I miss having a glass of wine or a beer

What I am looking forward to: Buying Genna a car seat! We are going on Wednesday to look

Weekly Wisdom: Make time for You! I went out twice this past week on mommy days, It was awesome and made me realize I need to make more time for myself instead of always catering to others.

Milestones: We have entered into the 3rd and final trimester! This past week Genna has started blinking, and she has also started taking breaths getting ready to start breathing on the outside in about 12 weeks time.

Pregnancy Best Friend: Caffeine Free Diet Coke, while soda is not always good for you it is nice to indulge every now and again.

Weekly Weird Changes: My sinuses have gotten really dry and have been bleeding. This is not fun!

Sleep: I have noticed that my need for sleep has increased by about a million. All of the books and updates say this is normal, now if only it was so easy to actually get some sleep, between the leg cramps and hot sweats it is nearly impossible

Best moment this past week: Carson came up to me and started rubbing my stomach with a massager. I asked  what he was doing and he responded "I am rubbing my sissy's back!" He is going to be such an awesome big brother.

Movement: She has learned what my lungs and ribs are... I believe she has also learned that if she wants me to move all she has to do is jab me. She seems to enjoy doing it too.

Stretch Marks: No new ones to report this week... I think.

Symptoms: Well it appears my morning sickness is back... also a very common occurrence once you hit the 3rd trimester.

Labor signs: It feels like she is starting to get into position, but no early labor signs which is always a good thing.

Food Cravings: Sushi... I cannot seem to get enough of it this week, and to make matters worse the sushi guy was gone for almost a week and so I have not been able to get any. This is one sad pregnant lady. For those who are about to yell at me for eating sushi, save your breath. One all the sushi I consume is fully cooked and approved by my doctor.

Tuna Sushi

Size of baby: Genna is roughly the size of a head of lettuce.

Weight gain: I have gained another 3 lbs this week for a grand total weigh in of 150lbs! This brings me to 5 lbs up from my pre pregnancy weight, not bad in my opinion.

Belly Button: Don't get me started... it is gone.

Story Time

So it is once again Friday! We have made it through another week, I got to have some mommy time last night with some fellow military wives, Mark has been in class all week so he has been home at a decent hour everyday and now he has this whole upcoming week off or so he thinks. Little does he know I have a huge honey do list that I need help with in order to get ready for our impending move.

Also on another good note I called the doctor who delivered Lucas last year since he knows my history, he is a high risk specialist, and practices in a hospital that I feel comfortable delivering in... anyways I called him and he would be more than happy to accept me as a patient when we get down to Florida. You have no idea how much of a relief it is to hear him say that. A lot of doctors are fearful of taking on a high risk case so late in the game especially with my history, so I thought it would be a challenge to find someone I liked that would deliver Genna in the hospital that I want. So with this stroke of good luck, Genna will now be born in the same hospital that both of her brothers were born in.

Now it is picture time!

                      Before!                                                                         After!

 At the local library for pirate Story time; He got a parrot and a sword balloon

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mommy's Day Out.

The past couple days I have been working on cleaning and packing. I have been scouring the Internet for cheap and easy (also non toxic) cleaning methods. I did find one tip that I will use forever, dryer sheets. They are pretty multi functional, you can use them to wipe down base boards and walls that have dust on them, it will leave that waxy coating where ever you wipe making everything smell good and keeps the dust away longer. I am also using a vinegar spray to wipe and clean everything. I love natural cleaners :)

My dad will be stopping in over night on Tuesday while he makes his way to Colorado, then will be back for about 2 days the week after on his way home. Carson is super excited about that. As for today, I am having a mommy's day with my neighbor gals. We are headed to see Snow White and the Huntsmen, lunch and shopping may also be involved. I am not 100% on that but knowing these girls it is likely. I need a day to myself, so this will be nice.

We are in the last week of the second trimester! This pregnancy has just sped on by, I go on June 13th for my next appointment and after that they should be every 2 weeks unless doc wants me in every week for stress tests to watch for pre term labor. He should be making that decision at my next appointment. It has become impossible for me to sleep at night unless I take one Tylenol pm (which was doctor approved) I am become so uncomfortable and the insomnia makes it worse. My only big craving for now is donuts, I would kill for some donuts right now. Preferably Dunkin Donuts but I won't be picky. I am also finally hitting the 149/150 lb range! Whoo, never thought I would be excited for weight gain :)

Here are some 26 week belly pictures, after my long day of organizing and cleaning I took these last night right before I called for bedtime... at 8pm. haha I feel old, but getting into bed at 8pm now is like a miracle.

Hello strech marks... we meet again!

He says he can hear what she says. lol He is so excited, and whenever she kicks him he says it is her way of giving him a high five.